Sunday, January 2, 2011

Grippos Holidays

Christmas Grippos

Grippos had a great Christmas. Here is Leo, looking like the 12 yr old that he now is.

2011 Schooling?

So I am getting excited about leaving San Diego. No, really, I am. Whenever I think of the boat, I think, aaaah, I am getting a nicer kitchen with less oven. Of cozy nights playing Monopoly, or Pass the Pigs. Of reading with the family. Or visiting with our boating neighbors. But...

We got great news! We are going to Jordan as a family in May! Yippeee! But now that means we are not only practicing our Spanish for this next trip, but we need to research and learn about Jordan and learn some polite phrases in Arabic. Oh really? So now my curriculum for 2011 looks like a mad woman put it together. Science will be life sciences (cell reproduction and such, genus and families of animals/flowers/insects and such), Spanish (verbs & conjugations, vocabulary, conversational practice), MathUSee 3rd & 4th levels, reading for pleasure, writing an adventure novel for the kids, and podcasts of science and grammar and Spanish, classical literature for kids (Tom Sawyer, The Diary of Anne Frank, Dickens and stuff like that). Can we say that I feel a bit crazed by all this? I hope my sanity returns in time for me to pack it!